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Tour the Golan for a day

Start with Hamat Gader and perhaps a dip in the hot water, and continue north along the Golan, taking in the border issues and current developements in Syria, together with ruins of towns from different periods, olive oil production and wineries.

Rujem El Hiri

Rujem ElHiri 

"Israel's StoneHenge" with 40,000 stones in 4 circles with a burial chamber in the center. Explore and discover it's secrets and discuss the significance of the openings in the walls.

Huleh Lake 

The entrance fee of 5 shekels finances the bird feeding enterprise which feeds 14 tons of corn daily to the hungry Grey Cranes and minimalizes the damage to the surrounding crops.

Look east into Syria

From a vantage point of over 500 meters high we can see deep into the Syria Golan Plataeu and discuss the current positioning of the forces at "play". Most day sounds and visible signs of battle can be seen.

Be driven in Luxury

Seating 7 (driver +6) the Landrover Discovery 4 can traverse roads & dirt tracks in comfort.

Tour in comfort with WiFi, shaded windows, cold drinks and plenty of leg room.

Look west to the Galilee 

Understand the importance of the Golan. Why it is needed to maintain peace. At 500+ meter above the Kinneret (Sea of Galilee) it has extreme strategic importance to the safety of the North.

Meet the Druze people

Hear of their 1010 year history and fascinating story over a meal in the "town square" OR join a family for a typical meal at a local home.

The 1973 war

from a few strategic points it is possible to follow and understand the Syrian tactics and reasoning of the "Yom Kippur War".

Wild and beautiful nature - from Eagles to Wild Boar and flowers of every colour (in spring at least).

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